In keeping with our philosophy of educating the whole child, the following enrichment programs are included in our school-wide curriculum for most grades.
A library period is scheduled each week for every class. Students are encouraged to check out books for the week. A fine of five cents per day is charged for books not returned on time. Students will pay for lost or damaged books. They are expected to respect and take proper care of books borrowed from the Library. Unpaid book fees may result in withholding the final report card until payment is collected.
The Librarian facilitates the Accelerated Reader (AR) Program. All students are assessed a $75.00 fee which covers the registration cost for the use of the program. Accelerated Reader fees are due on or before September 1st. The use of this program has a significant impact on increasing student reading comprehension scores.
All students in Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade attend Library once a week and have the opportunity to check out books to bring back to their classroom or home. Research skills, study skills, and the joy of reading are all imparted during library time.
Twice a week, all students in Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade participate in P.E. Students learn about healthy eating habits, how to best take care of themselves, what unhealthy habits to avoid, and physical exercise.
The Extended Care Program extends the school day for children enrolled at Resurrection. Hours of operation are 3:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., daily on school days and closed on school holidays and noon dismissals. Any parent interested in enrolling a student must complete a registration form to participate in this program. Please refer to the Extended Care Handbook for additional information and other details.
All students must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. There will be a $5.00 charge for each fifteen-minute increment after that for child/children picked up after 5:30 p.m.
One child | $80.00 per month |
Two children | $160.00 per month |
Three children | $240.00 per month |
Extended Care Program fees are due one month in advance. The payment is made through FACTS. If the student is a drop-in, the finance office will collect fees.